Interview With Author Raul Contreras,Author of Alice's BloodyAdventure's In Wonderland

Note: This was a Live Interview with author Raul Contreras, and May and will read as one. Also make sure to read all the way to the end pass the authors blogs links and web pages.

Welcome Readers,

Today I'am luck to be interviewing Raul Contreras, author of Alice's Bloody Adventures In Wonderland.

 I wanted to thank you again for agreeing to do this interview, especially with the scheduling, I know you are very busy.

Author Raul Contreras: Thank you for asking are very sweet!
Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness): Well I must say Im excited. You did a wonderful job with the book and choice of illustrator was a great.

Author Raul Contreras Thank you.

Getting to know the Author:

Question 1. Can you tell me a little about your background?

I am a son of an artist, Diana Gamerman. Born and raised in Washington DC
Went to Northern Michigan University film school and got a BFA in Filmmaking
Been chasing film dreams for many, many years.
And have written many screenplays in that time.
So I am a bit of a dreamer like Alice
Brittany Perez: I think thats what draws many to her, many levels she is a relatable charachter.

Question 2. So, what have you written? And did this help lead you also to write your own book Alice's Bloody Adventures in Wonderland? (Include books, novellas, short stories, poems, blogs, awards or anything of interest.)

I have been a fan of Alice since I was a little boy. My Mom used to take me to college with her. So, sitting at a table with a bunch of crazy intellectuals was normal for me.
I haven't written prose since high school! But I have always had a very vivid dream life...which I would tell to my friends until they were sick of it.
I have completed a dozen screenplays. That is about it as far as writing is concerned.
5 years ago I was Art Director for the History Channel, we were reenacting the battle of Faluja, Iraq. We were making a sniper's nest on top of a building, I came down the ladder, missed a rung and fell.
my ankle was split straight up the bone like a cord of wood.
It put me on my butt for over a year.
In that time I wrote three screenplays, shot two short films and wrote Alice
For many years I had images of a violent Alice running through my head...but didn't know what they ment.
Since I was down and out and Alice kept talking to me, I decided to go for it.
At first I thought it was going to be a horror story, but it turned out to be a revenge story.
Now it is a reality sitting on my shelf with all my Alice books!

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness): It sounds like you were quite busy during the time of Alice, and sorry to hear about the ankle. Well I think that was a fantastic idea. So I have read many reviews after I was finished, people have responded with enthusiasm to this take on Alice. 

Question 3. Have you read many of the reviews? Was your work schedule and Alice ever intertwine with eachother? Or being laid back for a year with your injury really just give you time to focus on writing and developing the character?

I have read many of the reviews. They have been shockingly kind. A few were not. But I think it some people just didn't get the hidden references I have throughout the entire book. There was also some very valid points.
Not being a teenage girl sure made things difficult. At first I tried to find a female writer, but in the end I had to do it myself.
and no work didn't play a role, I simply couldn't work.
once I was able to move, I would grab my cane, get on my bike, put on the discography of Pink Floyd and ride till the Sun went down. Then I would write all night.

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness): It was like that for over a year. Wow, I can only imagine what that must of been like, ankle doing better? I hope.
I can only imagine the struggles of developing a strong female lead as Alice especially with a modern day twist. 

Question 4: Did you find in the process of writting the story working from or starting from a outline or would you just write it down and see where the story went? And make changes as you went along.

Ankle is still not so good. Was at the doctor's today.

It actually started as a writing exercise for myself. I decided to adapt the novel into a screenplay, just to see if I could do a good translation, also because I thought nobody had done the book justice on film.
Then I heard Tim Burton was going to do it and figured he would make the greatest version of all...well that turned out not to be the case.
So, I listened to the images in my head. They told me how the story began and ended.
Actually, the entire story was a gift. I just knew it. Was the hardest and easiest thing I have ever done.
I just knew it.
it flowed straight out of me...even all the many hidden references. None of it was forced.
Then I took a break to work on illustrations. Ended up accidentally having an international contest.

Question 5: How did you end up having an international contest? For the illustrations.

I went onto Deviant Art and posted an ad looking for an artist. Responses came from all over the world.
I told them the image I was looking for and had them send them to me.
Germany, Canada, Philistines, Japan, Spain, Russia, Brazil, US...all over sent me images.
I ended up going with a classically trained artist from Spain. But it didn't work out in the end.
That is when a friend of mine stepped in. We spoke, I showed examples and before I knew it, they became real! I am still floored by the illustrations. It was like asking Santa and getting exactly what I wanted.

Question 6: So in the end, with the contest and the search for the illustrator, the process become slightly overhwhelming with the amount of applicants? Before heading to your friend.

No the artist I picked and paid for...wasn't the right one. It really set things back quite a bit.

Question 7: Having your friend do the illustrations, I assume he is L.A. local street artist Tweedle Guns? The artwork we got to see through out the book?

Yes, my friend was interested in doing something on the streets. It was a matter of timing.

It was a long process. Most of the illustrations are mutations of Tenniel's originals. The images are so very old and they had to be restored so they could be changed. It was about 1 month of work for each illustration.
The street art community quickly embraced the Alice work and started calling my friend Tweedle Guns because that was the first piece put out on the street.

Question 8: It sounds like it was good marketing for both Artist and Author. Did you expect the artwork to catch on so quickly?

No, we had no idea. There was a big street art show here in LA and we overheard people talking about tweedle guns being the "new kid on the block."
Then Tweedle Guns ended up in a book called "Stay Up! Los Angeles Street Art" which is really doing well.

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness): Wow thats really great to hear. Quite inspiring to hear. 

Question 9: What has been like since Alice's Bloody Adventures in Wondeland has been published? Have you got any feedback from your family about it? If so what do they think?

Actually, there has been a lot of work and still more. Just designing the book took many months to do.

I published the book myself. Which means all the publicity has come from lots of hard work. Having zero experience in marketing, I have been pounding the pavement over and over. Still, the book as a long way to go. I am hoping it will eventually make it into the main least in time for Alice's 150th Anniversary next year.

As far as family...well of course they like it. Not sure they completely count. Hahaha! I do know that they are proud.

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness):Well thats what matters!

Marketing is rough. It gets easier as you see what works and what doesn't but a lot of time research can help also just to give a general idea.

Question 10: Are you working on anything else now currently?

Currently, we are working on a color edition for next year. But work is holding that up.
I am also adding a couple of things that I missed.

Question 11: How did self publishing go? I heard from some authors this would be their own choice because its hard to get a big publishing house, did you find you ran into any of those issues.

The biggest problem with marketing is having the money to truly market. Which I do not have. So, social media and contacting every single email I think will help has been my route.
It is almost impossible to get anyone to see your work. I contacted lots of publishers and never heard one word back from any of them. So, I went for Lightning Source and they have been fantastic!
Yes, color edition is in the works. My plan is to continue to change the book and art people get something new.
and it makes me happy!

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness): A color edition, so it is in the works. I can see that taking off. Tweedle Guns showed me a piece on Twitter and I was floored to see what he was doing, I was excited more now knowing from both sources.

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness):Social Media will be your biggest friend when it comes to marketing, alot more is done on the web, its more easily accessed and viewed.

Question 12: Lighting Source, have they been helpful through out your stages of publishing and printing, digital copies creations? And If you could go back and make changes to any part of your book, characters, story, etc. Would you? Or overall you happy with its turn out?
Raul Contreras

You are is just so time consuming. And I have to work! The book isn't making me any $...but that wasn't the point.
Lightning Source has been very helping throughout all the process. I had a friend work on the digital version of the book..but he flaked out on me. I haven't spoke to LS about that...maybe they can help. Thank you for the idea.
I am very happy with the book. There really aren't going to be any changes in it. Just additions I had forgotten I wanted to do.
Some reviewers have had issues as to why I hadn't told them the age of Alice. They seem to forget neither did the original.
I want the audience to be jumbled up in the beginning of the book, just like Alice is.
It is a dream about nonsense!

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness):No age never was mentioned in the original. I thought though the description of Alice gave you the idea of her age range. I don't know how well many know the original tale, the actual story from beginning to end of Alice, beyond the movies.
I think you succeded with the wild thoughts, but for me It made want to read more.

Author Raul Contreras:I thought so as well...she also talks about having sex to pass the time.I have been asked to write the sequel.Some were not happy that it ends so abruptly...but that is a dream. So hard to fall back into it.

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness):I agree actually, that is how a dream is. I think readers just get pshyced for the end and build up their own versions when it comes to the actual end, sometimes it does not always meet their expectations but more than half would read the sequel because where does Alices Adventures continue from your version. Always interesting.

Author Raul Contreras: Actually, I have avoided going through the Looking Glass right now...because I will get distracted and start writing it!
To be perfectly honest I do not know where the story will go. The entire third act of my book is from the Looking Glass.

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness):Always something to think about for the future. Right now, you are doing a lot so I think Alice is keeping you already quite busy.

Question 13: Did you do a press release, Goodreads book launch or anything else to promote your work and did it work?

Yes, I have next year to worry about first and I also have a completely original story I want to very own Alice story!
I did a giveaway on Goodreads...that got some attention. But not a whole lot. Maybe I will try again with the color edition.

Question 14: What do you think of “trailers” for books? Do you have a trailer or do you intend to create one for your own book/s?

Actually yes! I am going to make a little trailer for my book. Already figured out. Just don't have the time!
It actually is very, very nothing you have ever seen.

Question 15: May I ask what your idea for the trailer is?

I am going to use the same location as my author photo.
It is going to start in black and white. In slow motion following my white rabbit Boo as he is being chased and shot at by Alice. It will slowly turn to color and end with me as the Hatter stopping Alice in her tracks with a copy of my book in my hand.
Brittany Perez

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness): Oh that sounds very cool!

Author Raul Contreras: It is going to be very fast a quick tease.

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness): That sounds like it is going to be awesome, you have a great visual idea for it, I look forward to seeing it when you have it done.

Author Raul Contreras:Thank you.

Question 16: What advice would you give to aspiring writers? And where do you see publishing going in the future?

Advice...oh my. It really is about passion and not money or fame.
I am just very happy to have it on my shelf...feels good into my soul.
Luckily publishing has changed so much. Anyone can do it, so much easier then it has ever been.
we are looking into the face of the future right now.
What I really hope is the hard bound book will stay around.

Question 17:Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?

Well, the geek in me is hoping Doctor Who will discover my book and travel back in time to see what went wrong!

Question 18: How can readers discover more about you and you work?
Website: Blog: Facebook: Twitter: Lnkedin: Pinterest: Amazon Author Page: Smashwords: Book Links: (* American, UK, etc.) Goodreads:

Question From The Author To Interviewer BrittAny Perez of Oh My Bookness:

Author Raul Contreras: Do you have any specific questions about any of the content in the book?
and thank you once again!

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness): Well just more of a general question what is it that you would likefuture readers to look out for when they come to read the book?
Raul Contreras

Author Raul Contreras: Hum...there is so many hidden things throughout the entire book, I hope people will discover through time.
one little thing is that most of the animals in Wonderland are all the pets I have had over the years.

Interviewer Brittany Perez (Oh My Bookness):Thats amazing! I dont think anyone would of guessed that one.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to do this review. I do appreciate it.

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Published  29th September 2014(©)
